15- Team Red Urchin: Rick and Chloe Corles, aboard (17’ Welsford Pathfinder)


“I have been a commercial diver for the past 35 years,cruising up and down B.C. s west coast in a powered vessel, exploring almost every mile of coastline underwater.
Back in 2006 I took a year off diving and a attended the Silva Bay Shipyard School. I learned new skills and fell in love with working with wood and of course boat building. After completing the course i started building a John Welsford Pathfinder. that was in 2007. Long story short Im 95 percent finished and am using the raid as a kick in the pants to finish the boat and start sailing. ”

My boat is an almost completed John Welsford Pathfinder. Now that i am paying to register it in the Barefoot Raid, I will make sure it is 100 percent completed in time….

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